Mad on Moleskin??

For you writers and reporters and journalists and poets, etc. it's your lucky day today! If you're reading this post now, before 10pm on the 20th July, 2008, quickly turn to page 17 of StarMag! Cut out the coupon and if you're still the first 10 people who present this coupon to them (Kinokuniya KLCC), you'll receive a Moleskine diary worth RM80 FOR FREE!!!

But if you're not that lucky, (like me. sob sob. I'M NOWHERE NEAR THE VICINITY!!!) keep that coupon, and redeem it with a 25% discount :) I've not used a Moleskine before, but from the pictures, it sure looks darn seductive! And it sure makes me feel like writing on it forever!

Arrgggh....should I get that 25% discount???? Even with the discount, it's not quite within my 'affordable range'. I mean, RM60 for a notebook? Hmm....

Or maybe because I've not checked it out myself. You know lah,...sometimes one would need to touch and feel, THEN decide ;)

For more info, go to:


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