I am so...glad...

and thankful for Facebook. Because of Facebook, Adryan found me, and helped me find Vanessa and Sau Yee. (And Derrick! Check your blardy wall! :P) They are the friends who made my life a living paradise when I was working in M1, Singapore.

I remember those crazy times when we had to 'layan' horrigible customers who are too dumb to understand simple instructions, and once, when I almost lost my job for calling one of those dumbasses a d**khead haha Luckily Michelle was understanding. Wonder how and where is she now...

Those times when I thought the unforgiving shifts were a torture, you guys helped me turn it into an entertaining ride. Oh Adryan, remember our bitchy chats over the phone? haha I think we've chatted for like, an hour before rite? Hehe Get your ass here, think my bf wants speak with you LOL

I'm so glad we're all keeping in touch again. Adryan, like what you told me, 'true friends are like diamonds, very rare. Fake friends are like autumn leaves, they're everywhere...' I never said this before, but I'd like to say it now. Thank you, guys, for everything.

Nawrah and Clive, where the hell are the both of you? Haven't you guys heard of Facebook?! Come on in! We're looking for you!!!


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