My Love Triangle

My relationship with Books wasn't serious before...especially during my college and uni years. Our relationship used to be more of a on-and-off thing, 'cuz on one hand, I couldn't stand not being around Books, but on the other hand, I couldn't help flirting with Parties and Men.

But now that I had enough of those two, and that age is catching up (:P), I decided to take my relationship with Books to a different level. I want us to be closer. I want us to spend as much time as we could together, without having to get rid of Work (and Hubby too of course haha). (Work helps me pay the bill and get to Books, Hubby gives 2-way-street love :P)

So these days, I bring Books wherever I go - the restaurant, my travels, shopping centres, toilet (oops. eek? :P), office, car, etc . It wasn't easy at first, because I was afraid to be associated with the Geeks and Nerds. But the fear wore off when I got used to it. Slowly it became almost like a habit. Now, I don't feel complete when I don't have Books with me. I'm happy to say that our relationship is growing stronger by the day.

Today, nobody can come between us :) (Ok fine, except my husband :P)

My attention now is 40% Hubby 40% Books 20% Work

Kidding dear! haha

Image taken from:


Nursyahirah said…
A very interesting blog indeed..a means 4 'bookaholic' all over to drop by n see what's in 4 us next we raid the bookstore,hu~Read ur post on ur all tym fav books,must say dat some r my fav too esp Adeline Yen Mah's..start
reading her since i was in form3..hav u checked out wild swans by Jung Chang,hers was pretty good too..
A Bookaholic said…
HI Nursyahirah...TQ :) I shall take a peek at Wild Swans soon! hv heard gd stuff abt it ;)

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