And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

Title/Author: And Then There Were None/Agatha Christie
Publisher: Fontana
No. of pages: 221
ISBN: 978-0312979478

In a nutshell
A whodunit story that would keep you on tenterhooks until the end. You might have seen something similar to this in a movie before, but you know, nothing beats reading! 10 people from all walks of life, have been invited to an island called Nigger Island. And all 10 of them have somehow caused the death of another person in their lives. the island, this happens:
Ten nigger boys went out to dine;
One choked his little self and then there were Nine.
Nine little nigger sat up very late;
One overslept himself and then there were Eight.

So the little rhyme continues until....'and then there were None.' The incidents that happened in the island followed the rhyme to the tee. The mystery here is this: If there were only 10 of them on the island and all 10 of them were murdered, who killed them?

What I liked
The suspense and the well-planned plot definitely! Ok, I don't mean to say I'm a good 'detective' or whatever, but I was right about the murderer at first (yes, bunnyslave, I WAS!!! :p) until...h(s)he got murdered too! That pissed me off, really haha OK, I'm probably not the only one who felt that way :P But well, that's the whole idea of this book. To keep the suspense right to the very end, then...PROVE YOU WRONG! heh!

The pace was right in every chapter. Nothing too long, nothing too short. And the moment you think you've got it all figured out, bham! There she goes again, proving you wrong!

To Note
DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT TURN TO THE LAST PAGE until you're there. And...DO NOT READ IT AT NIGHT! Not because it's 'haunting', but because it keeps you awake and you'd have problems stopping.

My verdict? 4/5

Book bite: The book has also been published and filmed under the title, 'Ten Little Indians'. This is in fact, Christie's best selling novel with 100 millions sales to date! It has been adapted into several plays, films and even, a video game!

Thanks bunnyslave, for this great gift and recommendation! :) **hugggz**


Xweing said…
I watched the movie when I was a little kid. It's like Cluedo - my favourite board game
A Bookaholic said…
yes! that's it! cluedo! i was trying to figure out the name of the game cuz i remmbr hearing about it :) did you like the book??? :)
Xweing said…
Still at the first few pages, I have no time to read, except in the toilet.. :P

After exams maybe..
A Bookaholic said…
ahhh as long as you read it. dun be surprised when you know who d murderer is! hehe

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