Inspector Singh Investigates: A Most Peculiar Malaysian Murder by Shamini Flint
Title/Author: Inspector Singh Investigates: A Most Peculiar Malaysian Murder/Shamini Flint Publisher: Piatkus No. of pages: 295 ISBN 13: 978-0-7499-2975-6 In a nutshell Inspector Singh from Singapore has been sent to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to solve the murder of a Malaysian heir, Alan Lee. His ex-wife, Chelsea Liew is on death row for for this murder, but she swears she didn't do it and Inspector Singh thinks so too. However, he couldn't find any other suspects who have a stronger motive that hers: Alan was taking her kids away from her and he was having an affair. What I liked Making the murder of a Chinese-turned-Muslim as its main story is a tricky one, especially when it touches other sensitive issues in Malaysia as well. But Flint managed to weave in the political and racial issues in Malaysia very carefully. She chose them very wisely too. A great eye opener to those who aren't familiar with the 'Malaysian culture' or what's happening in the country at t...