Special Weekend Treats for Bookaholics!!

Dying to splurge on books? Wanna hit the bookstores this weekend? This one's for you then ;) Thanks for the info Justina!


sintaicharles said…
Thanks for the information.
A Bookaholic said…
You're welcome! :) are you planning to go?
Ellen Whyte said…
Nooooooooooooooooooooo! I'm already broke!!!
A Bookaholic said…
you aren't alone :( *sob*
sintaicharles said…
Are the discounts available in Miri?
nomorebuns said…
i can't believe i have let 3 book sales go by without a slightest URGE to go. perhaps it's because I KNOW I have no more shelf space. Or because I know I have more than enough books to last me 3 years. Or I have come to a plateau phase. Or all of the above. Maybe I am growing out of the book-craze phase. You think that's possible?
nomorebuns said…
I think I still like books but I am more selective now. I just buy what I really really want. I think. Haha.
A Bookaholic said…
i think mebe cuz u splurged at bX liao akkakaa anw...i didnt manage to stay away from Popular's sales at IPC, but....I MANAGED TO STOP MYSELF FROM BUYING ANYTHG!! :D ALMOsTTtt.....almost bought some of roald dahl's books...ALMOst! but i told myself, enuf is enuf! wooooo lol

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