Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen

It's very unlikely that I'd pick this book up for a read, unless it comes highly recommended. Coincidentally, my boss' daughter told me that I should give Dessen a try. So I did. Someone Like You is about 2 very good friends, Scarlett and Halley, who are going through the rough stuff of teenage life. Scarlett found out she was pregnant after learning that her boyfriend was killed in an accident, while Halley was in the journey of discovering what's it like to be in love.

Reading this story was quite a pleasure as it brought me back to my yesteryears. Those squabbles with my mom, emotional conflicts with boys, fear of not being accepted by my peers that felt so important then, seem so petty now that I have 'bigger' problems to solve. I guess that's how it is in life - we experience the ups and downs, make mistakes and learn from them, as they make us who we are today.

Pick this book up if you want to walk down memory lane. It could also probably teach you a thing or two about being a mom when your little girl/boy is going through her/his teenage life ;)


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